Different groups need different ideas and motivations. Simply presenting something to one group does not mean that they will react the same way another group may have, in the past, reacted. This is good and bad and also a form of common sense. Experience, exposure and personal aptitude and interest all play factors in the decision making process.
Recently I finished up a "quick" campaign of 13th Age, the Pelgrane Press version of Dungeons and Dragons. Wildly fun and frenetic, my group experienced 1st through 10th level in that same number of weeks (plus/minus 2 or 3 and various breaks in between), progressing from mere "better than average warriors/wizards/whatevers" to almost Godlike beings. Fatally flawed and inexperienced Godlike beings. They went out on top.
Now they face the prospect of a new game and/or new system and it is daunting. I've offered to run a handful of new systems and different genres. It may be too much, too soon, as the resounding thud that my options received left me somewhat at a loss. These were "new" and "different". Be excited!
Different experience, different exposure, different tastes and interest.
I'll continue to nurture the Role playing side of gaming. We'll take a couple of (necessary) weeks and board game for a bit.
We sit in between.